The Light Within

June 30, 2023

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of music formation

Song overview

The songs of DyaNangaNow.
Continue scrolling down to view the collection.


The Light Within


Mi Foto [My City]


Winner of Touch of Jazz award: 'Best Song 2022'.

The Love I Found


The song was written in the early ‘70s, but was recorded in 2018.


The song was also written in the early ‘70s and recorded in 2019.

Watch Music Video on YouYube.

Wan Nyun Lanpe


The lyrics are in Sranan.
'Wan Nyun Lanpe'
translates to
'A New Destination'.


(with Kaperka)

From the album 'Flight' by Kaperka

Listen to

Latest releases:

The Light Within

Mi Foto [My City]


What Can I Say?

What Can I Say?
But Slowly

Wan Nyun Lanpe

There Was a Time

I Feel So Fine

Sing a Song

I Feel So Fine with Kaperka
(Lite Version Instrumental)

The Love I Found

Bourbon (with Kaperka)


Latest Projects:

Between You and Me

The Play 

Older project:

Wan Nyun Lanpe

featuring Earl Dagrella


Some paintings and drawings.

'Bringing the sound of the past,
to the here and now.'

Photography overview

The images are devided into four sections.
Choose a section below.

Part one (mostly landscapes)

Scapes of land & architecture.

Part two (mostly people)

To be, or not to be, human.

Part three (mostly animals)

Nature or nurture.

Part four (mostly stuff)

Random stuff.



"We share the same biology,
regardless of ideology"


('Dya nanga nowtranslates to 'here and now')

DyaNangaNow is a music project by Robert Groman with members that have been making music for decades.

Winner of Touch of Jazz award: 'Best Song 2022' with Mi Foto [My City].

They also play under the band name Quasar and won the Jazz-i Award in 2009.


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